Protecting Homeless Women

Posted on 21. Apr, 2016, in Christian Values, Church Teachings, Humane VitaeComments Off on Protecting Homeless Women

10.10 2015 PRO LIFE CAMPAIGN NATIONAL CONFERENCE. Last Saturday (10.10.15) the Pro Life Campaign held it's National Conference in the RDS in Dublin. Pic shows Neil Fox and Lorraine Mc Mahon from Cork who attended the Pro Life National Conference in RDS in Dublin last Saturday. Pic John Mc Elroy. NO REPRO FEE.

The Pro Life Campaign says that homelessness involving pregnant women has reached crisis point. There are over 20 pregnant women sleeping rough in Dublin every night. The Pro Life Campaign has  said that addressing the homeless crisis involving pregnant women must be a top priority for the new government. They also criticised the National Women’s Council of Ireland for their “obsessional focus on pushing abortion instead of seeking real and meaningful supports for women experiencing a crisis pregnancy.”

Miriam Gormally met with Lorraine Hennessy, a spokesperson for the Pro Life said there was a need to focus on fighting for safe and secure accommodation for homeless women rather than campaigning to repeal the 8th Amendment. Miriam asked her to explain more.

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