Volunteering with Viatores Christi

Posted on 06. Apr, 2017, in Achievement, Christian Values, Community, Faith and Justice, Gospel Values, Young peopleComments Off on Volunteering with Viatores Christi

Viatores Christi (VC), is a lay missionary organisation which specialises in the training and placement of skilled volunteers. Their CEO Shane Halpin, a Drogheda man, decided to give up a comfortable Public Relations job and life in London to go live amongst homeless children in South Africa. He talks about how the experience was outside all of his comfort zones, sometimes he wasn’t  even able to sleep. After six intense months he burned out, but was left with a desire to want to help renew the missionary organisation and dedicate his life to creating a more just and equal world. He being by explaining some of background of Viatores Christi to Miriam Gormally.

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