Restricting travel for Paedophiles

Posted on 19. Apr, 2018, in Christian Values, Community, Crime, Faith and Justice, Humanitarian AidComments Off on Restricting travel for Paedophiles

Fr Shay Cullen, an Irish missionary and  four-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee has called on Ireland and other wealthier countries to restrict paedophiles from foreign travel. He also called for their passports to be highlighted in such a way that they could not gain entry to countries like the Philippines, Cambodioa, Laos, Vietnam and Thai Land – counties that are known targets for paedophiles, who take advantage of their lax laws and greater poverty.

Father Shay, who has been rescuing street children in the Philippines since 1974, said hundreds of thousands of sex tourists travel to the country from Europe, the US and Australia.

The missionary’s, “Preda Foundation: (People’s Recovery, Empowerment and Development Assistance) has helped vulnerable children in the Philippines for more than 40 years.

He said that the situation is terrible and that every year hundreds and thousands of “sex tourists” come over to abuse women and children. He added that there was also an incentive for the countries where people were travelling from as the exposure to abusing children only increased their appetite and so they would be looking to abuse children when they got home. He explained more to Miriam Gormally.

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