The Sister’s Café

Posted on 18. Feb, 2016, in Community, Faith Groups, Family, Feminism/Women in the Church, Relationships, VocationComments Off on The Sister’s Café

Margaret Cartwright 2_0Margaret Cartwright
A new pop up café is to open its doors on 25 February in the Dominican Adult Education Centre in Blackrock. The “Sister’s Cafe”  it is being run in conjunction with vocations Ireland and is aimed at developing awareness among young women of the role that Irish Sisters play in society.

Director of Vocations Ireland Margaret Cartwright added, “People regularly approach us with their faith stories or sense of vocation, but there is no place for them to explore their options.” She believes the relaxed setting of the café will help people understand religious life better.

Speakers at the inaugural Café include Srs Carmel Ryan, Deirdre Twomey and Julie Buckley.

For more information:

Details in brief: The Sister Café opens on the evening of 25 February from 7-8.30 in the Dominican Adult Education Centre, Merrion Avenue in Blackrock, Co Dublin.

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