Examining Amoris Laetitia

Posted on 22. Aug, 2019, in Celibacy/Sexuality, Church Teachings, Community, Family, Feminism/Women in the Church, Gospel Values, Humane Vitae, SexualityComments Off on Examining Amoris Laetitia


In this piece from the archives we look at “Amoris Laetitia” – the reflections of Pope Francis on love in family. Many felt that it had a positive tone and a sense of inclusiveness. However We are Church claims that “the Synod recommendations did not reflect the voices of Catholic families who had no deliberative voice throughout the course of both Synods.”

Its nine chapters cover the many issues facing Catholics  from ‘the excessive idealisation of marriage’  to the position of Catholics in  ‘irregular unions’. Throughout his Exhortation Pope Francis emphasises the superiority of mercy over justice and truth  in an significant sentence,

‘Mercy is the fullness of Justice and the most radiant manifestation of God’s truth’

Significantly Pope Francis denounces the excesses of’ patriarchal culture and male chauvinism and in a positive development says that ‘we must see in the women’s movement the working of the Spirit for a clearer recognition of the dignity and rights of women ‘.

However the document reiterates the ban on artificial contraception, a teaching which not many feminists would understand to be helpful to their rights. There is also little recognition of Gay and Lesbian relationships.

Miriam Gormally met with Phil Dunne from We are Church to find out more. She said Amoris Laetitia could only be understood by looking back to the Synod on the Family.

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