Art and Soul
Posted on 29. Sep, 2016, in Art, Christian Values, Community, Feminism/Women in the Church, Gospel ValuesComments Off on Art and Soul
Surrender – one of Doris Klein’s works
Doris Klein is a member of the Congregation of Sisters of Agnes. She lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and ministers as a spiritual director, artist and graphic designer. She says she never considered herself to be an artist until one day she found that her drawings and watercolours were inspiring other. People saw her images reflecting spirituality from an inclusive perspective and showing the feminine experience of God, so she decided to give up her job as a school principal and devote her life to painting. She says the hardest part about painting is letting go of fear and control.
Her newest work includes photographs which she paints digitally to enhance the Mystical Presence of Spirit in images from nature.
All of her work includes a reflective description inviting the viewer to engage in their own spiritual journey. She explains more to Marie Stuart.