Atonement Walk

Posted on 21. Jan, 2009, in Celibacy/Sexuality, Conflict, Crime, Media, PilgrimageComments Off on Atonement Walk

Due to the complex and sensitive nature of this issue, and to give it a full explanation, we have allowed this piece to run on longer than our usual pieces.


Mishandling of information regarding child sex abuse in the Church has again brought sorrow and disappointment to the people of Ireland. One priest, Fr. Michael Mernagh decided to do something about it. He embarked on a walk of atonement from Cobh to Dublin. He also voiced his opinion that Bishop Magee should stand down. Much public support was given to Fr. Mernagh on his walk and Archbishop Diarmaid Martin greeted him warmly when he arrived in the pro Cathedral in Dublin. Miriam Gormally met Fr. Mernagh and asked him how he was first inspired to do this pilgrimage of atonement.   

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