Youth Cafe

Posted on 11. Jun, 2008 in Alcohol, Young people

A recent survey showed that young Irish people would like to reduce the legal drinking age to 16. This is at a time when many youth organisations are trying to find alternatives to underage drinking. Ultan McGoohan CC is currently trying to keep a Youth Café going as one of these initiatives. But Miriam Gormally […]

An Addiction Story

Posted on 05. Mar, 2008 in Addiction, Alcohol, Young people

One of the most common sacrifices people make during Lent is to try to give up drinking alcohol.  For some it’s the start they’ve been trying to make and Lent gives them a reason to get going, but for others who are already addicts it’s not as simple as that. Majella told Eileen Good about […]

Addiction Help

Posted on 14. Nov, 2007 in Addiction, Alcohol

The story of Matt Talbot’s struggle with his addiction is similar to the many stories of people today who are trapped by addictions of many kinds.  Eileen Good spoke to Fr. Tom Ryan, Parish Priest of Shannon Co. Clare and asked him how a novena dedicated to Matt Talbot got started in the parish.

The Hole in the Soul

Posted on 11. Jul, 2007 in Addiction, Alcohol

Francis Black is one of Ireland’s most acclaimed performers, originally with the Black family and more recently as a solo performer.  In recent years she has spoken publicly about her personal problem with alcohol addiction.  In 2004 she returned to college as a mature student and qualified as an addiction counsellor and currently does some […]

Pioneers Today

Posted on 21. Feb, 2007 in Alcohol, Church Teachings, Lent, Religious teaching, Schools, Young people

During Lent many people traditionally think of giving up ‘the drink’  – and it is a most worthwhile sacrifice in the Ireland of today where alcohol related problems affect all areas of people’s lives.  However at a younger level many children at Confirmation take the Pledge to abstain from drink until they are 18.  Ray […]

Top of the Drinking League Again

Posted on 14. Jun, 2006 in Addiction, Alcohol, Young people

A new EU Report on the use, or abuse, of Alcohol in Ireland has again reinforced our high-ranking position in the ‘binge drinking’ league, confirming that Irish adults and teenagers have some of the worse drinking habits in Europe.  Eileen Good spoke to Sinead Shannon of Alcohol Action Ireland and asked her about the significance […]

The No Name Club

Posted on 29. Dec, 2005 in Alcohol, Young people

Stories about young people binge drinking are constantly making the headlines  –  it seems no occasion can be celebrated without huge amounts of alcohol being consumed.  Young people themselves will often complain that the only place for them to meet is the pub.  One organisation that’s completely alcohol free and has been on the go […]

Family Help at Christmas

Posted on 14. Dec, 2005 in Addiction, Alcohol, Christmas

For many families, the prospect of Chritmas fills them with dread, as someone in the family will use the season to drink excessively – spoiling things for everyone else and leaving the family again trying to figure out what can be done about thie addictions.  Patricia Coyle spoke to a member of Al Anon about […]