End of Pauline Year

Posted on 24. Jun, 2009 in Church Teachings, Saints

June 29th -the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul – marks the closing of the Pauline Year.  In dedicating the year to St. Paul, Pope Benedict asked us ‘to discover anew the apostle Paul and see what he had to say to our times’.  Eileen Good spoke to Scripture scholar, Fr. Sean Maher and asked […]

St. Paul’s Footsteps

Posted on 27. May, 2009 in Pilgrimage, Saints

Almost every Sunday at Mass, we read an excerpt from St. Paul’s writings.  He was a missionary, a theologian, a powerful preacher – and a great traveller.  In this year of St. Paul, Fr. Sean Maher led a pilgrimage, from the diocese of Kildare and Leighlin, to Turkey to visit the places associated with St. […]

May, Mary and Motherhood

Posted on 13. May, 2009 in Saints, Seasons of the Church Year

May is the month of Mary. It is a month of promise, hope and expectation. Miriam Gormally spoke with Helen Gallivan, author of Dawn without Darkness and The Temple Within. She explained what it was that she particularly liked about May.

St. Paul

Posted on 24. Dec, 2008 in Church Teachings, Saints

Earlier this year Pope Benedict announced a special jubilee year dedicated to St. Paul to mark the (approximately) the 2000th anniversary of the Saint’s birth. The year will have a special ecumenical dimension to reflect the saint’s commitment to unity and harmony among all Christians. Bishop Tom Wright, Anglican Bishop of Durham, is one of […]

St. Paul’s Inspiration

Posted on 12. Nov, 2008 in Faith and Justice, Saints

Pope Benedict has set aside this year as a Jubilee Year dedicated to St. Paul.  In his statement the Pope said the world needs modern Christians who will imitate the apostles’ missionary energy and spirit of sacrifice.  Bishop Hyacinth Egbebo is as member of the National Missionary Society of St. Paul of Nigeria and he […]

All Saints / All Souls

Posted on 29. Oct, 2008 in Church Teachings, Death, Family, Saints

The month of November is traditionally the time when we remember and pray for those who have died.  The month begins with the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls which remind us immediately about those loved ones who have passed away. Eileen Good asked Vincentian priest Fr. Michael McCullagh why we celebrate these feastdays.

Animal Blessing Sunday

Posted on 17. Sep, 2008 in Faith and Justice, Saints

The feast of Saint Francis is October 4th and it is a time to remember the animals in our community. Fr. Brían (pronounced Breen) O’Sullivan is a parish priest in Glasthule and chairman of Peata, an organisation which promotes the relationship between pets and people. Every year on the first Sunday in October, Fr. O’Sullivan […]

Feast of St. Vincent de Paul

Posted on 17. Sep, 2008 in Church Teachings, Faith and Justice, Saints

September 27th is the Feast Day of St. Vincent de Paul, a man whose dedication to relieving the distress of the poor and abandoned influenced many, including Frederic Ozanam when setting up the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in 1833.  Sr. Catherine Prendergast, Provincial of the Daughters of Charity Ireland, told Eileen Good about […]

Blessed Damien

Posted on 23. Jul, 2008 in Health, Saints

Pope Benedict has announced that Blessed Damien – the Leper Priest – will be declared Saint within the next year.  This follows the cure of a woman, in Hawaii, of cancer through her intercession with Bl. Damien. Eileen Good spoke to Fr. Eamon Alyward of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary […]

St. Paul

Posted on 23. Jul, 2008 in Faith and Justice, Saints

Periodically the Church sets aside an entire year to encourage all of us to focus on some important aspect of our Faith.  Pope Benedict XVI has announced that from June of this year to June 29th. 2009 the Church would observe a year of celebration in honour of St. Paul the Apostle.  Pat Coyle spoke […]