Christian Sexuality

Posted on 16. May, 2013, in Celibacy/Sexuality, Church Teachings2 Comments

The Very Reverend Tom Gordon, Dean of Leighlin, County Carlow made a vigorous contribution to the recent General Synod of the Church of Ireland in Armagh regarding the sexuality issue. Referring to himself as “the only gay in the village”, Dean Gordon, a psychotherapist, reminded the Synod of the sense of exclusion and isolation of so many gay men resulting in a disproportionately high rate of suicide. The Synod passed a motion to establish a Select Committee on Human Sexuality in the Context of Christian Belief. The Committee may co-opt two other members but even if these are lesbian, bisexual, gay or trans-gender it will still, as Dean Gordon explained to Paul Loughlin, be a committee talking about certain people … not with them.

2 responses to “Christian Sexuality”

  1. sheila fox says:

    Just wondering is it possible to read more. I am listening to the interview.
    It is sometimes handy to be able to print out the article.

  2. Suzanne Ryder says:

    I found this interview to be very open. It is not often that a clergyperson speaks so freely. Of course, the justice elements were clear and I wonder if they will ever be resolved. This is a good start and I wish Tom well, as he shares from his perspective.