Finding Consolation in Tragedy
Posted on 07. Apr, 2016, in Christian Values, Family, Grief, Young peopleComments Off on Finding Consolation in Tragedy
The terrible tragedy that occurred in Buncranna where Louise Daniels lost her spouse, her children, her sister and her mother is hard for anyone to comprehend. For many it might cause questions wondering where is God in the midst of such darkness or even whether God exists at all when such terrible things can happen. Miriam Gormally spoke with Michael Kelly editor of the Irish Catholic who wrote about how “at time of immense darkness and pain, the mission of people of faith is to keen the rumour of God alive.” He talked about how the responses of the local priest, Fr Paddy O’Kane and the school principle Marie Lindsay managed to offer comfort and give voice to the desolation and anguish felt by many without resorting to clichés or offering simple answers.