Finding your Way

Posted on 09. Jun, 2016, in Achievement, Christian Values, Church of Ireland, CommunityComments Off on Finding your Way

RCB coi

For a lot of young people many of whom are sitting exams, thoughts of the future can be daunting. Jack Perdue is one such young person who sat his exams last year and didn’t know what to do with his life. He came across an advertisement to work with the Church of Ireland, Representative Church Body (RCB) and found that he had stumbled into something he loved. He talks here with Miriam Gormally about being a young person on a Christian organisation. He explains that while he never know what he wanted to do, he finds his work in the RCB to be varied in rewarding. He began by explaining that what first attracted him to Christian works was a charity drive that he did with his friends from Dublin to Mongolia.

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