Journeying in Faith

Posted on 18. Jan, 2018, in Christian Values, Church of Ireland, Faith and Justice, Gospel Values, VocationComments Off on Journeying in Faith

A new book by Canon Cecil Hyland, Journeying in Faith – A Walk with Christ encourages readers to continue their search for a faith that is alive and relevant. Published by Church of Ireland Publishing (CIP), it focuses on moving towards an adult formation of faith and in seeing faith as a journey that continues throughout life.

Canon Hyland was ordained in 1963, and served curacies in Belfast and Dublin before returning to Belfast in 1967 as Church of Ireland Youth Officer. Six years later he was appointed Dean of Residence in Trinity College, Dublin, and subsequently served as Rector of Tullow and Rector of Howth before his retirement in 2005. Since then he has continued to sty involved in theological and adult education ministry. Here he explains to Miriam Gormally why he wrote this book, Journeying in Faith.

The book is  available from It is priced €12.50/£10.

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