Remembering Fr Coote

Posted on 29. Aug, 2019, in Depression, Mental Health, Relationships, Suicide, Young peopleComments Off on Remembering Fr Coote

Fr Tony Coote passed away on Wednesday, August 28th, following a battle with motor neurone disease. He was a much loved priest and in particular well remember for his time in UCD as a chaplain helping others. In this piece from 2007, we hear him talk about the work he did for parents who had lost a child by suicide.

Loosing a child to suicide is perhaps the hardest way of loosing a child.  It brings up endless questions of why and leaves the person desperately trying to seek understanding.  Fr Tony Coote is the chaplain in UCD and he does a lot of work with parents who have lost a child and are trying to resolve these questions.  Miriam Gormally met Tony out in UCD and asked him to talk about effects the suicide of a child can have on a parent. 

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