Remembering 1916

Posted on 18. Feb, 2016, in Church of Ireland, Community, Easter, Holy Week, War / Civil UnrestComments Off on Remembering 1916

Fearghal McGarry

On Wednesday Feb 17th, The Church of Ireland Historical Working Group marked the centenary of the Easter Rising with talks from noted historians.

Entitled ‘A state of chassis – Ordinary People in Extraordinary Circumstances in Dublin in 1916’, the talk featured Dr Fearghal McGarry (Queen’s University Belfast) as well as Dr Jason McElligott (Marsh’s Library), Dublin.

Dr Fearghal McGarry set the Easter Rising in context, explaining that the reality of the Rising was a complex and multi-faceted event. He also looked at the role geography, class and religion played in the different experiences that people had of the Rising.

Miriam Gormally met Dr. Fearghal McGarry at Christ Church to find out more.

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