Supporting Fr Flannery

Posted on 02. Feb, 2017, in Celibacy/Sexuality, Christian Values, Church Teachings, Community, Feminism/Women in the Church, Gospel Values, SexualityComments Off on Supporting Fr Flannery

Redemptorist priest, Fr. Tony Flannery recently celebrated Mass after a five-year ban. “We are Church Ireland” say they fully support his decision to celebrate a public Mass on Sunday on January 22nd in Killimordaly,  Co. Galway.

This conscientious decision taken by Fr. Flannery on the occasion of his 70th birthday ignores the sanction of the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine the Faith which forbade him to celebrate the Eucharist in Public in 2012 for views he expressed on Catholic teachings in areas such as sexuality, contraception and the role of women in the church.

By defying this ban he has the implicit support of Pope Francis who told a group of Religious on June 13th 2013 not to allow any communication from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to bother them and encouraged them with these words :

‘ Explain what you have to explain but keep going forward-open doors, do something where life is calling you ‘

‘Fr. Tony Flannery should continue to open new doors and follow where his discernment is calling him’, stated Brendan Butler , spokesperson. Miriam Gormally met with Brendan and began by asking him whether Fr. Tony Flannery was picked on or scapegoated as there are many priests who hold or express views counter to the church on these controversial issues.

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