The Lives of Irish Parliamentarians

Posted on 20. Dec, 2018, in Christian Values, Community, Politicians, PoliticsComments Off on The Lives of Irish Parliamentarians

Dr Tony White’s latest book, Irish Parliamentarians: Deputies and Senator 1918 –2108, is a comprehensive directory of the 1,870 men and women who have been TDs or Senators in the parliament of the Irish State since the first meeting of Dáil Eireann in January 1919. The election for the first Dáil took place 100 years ago, on 14 December. The book profiles the founders of modern Irish democracy and their successors. It gives details of their families, their education, and their careers inside and outside politics.

In this first of two interviews with Pat Coyle, Tony White (a former Jesuit and author of a book on the history of Crescent College Comprehensive SJ – The Crescent) looks at the religious make-up of the chambers, and the relationship of religious orders to Dáil members, noting that Christian Brothers educated the highest number of politicians followed by the Jesuits. He also notes that unlike other countries Ireland has never had a religious serve as a politician. He al

In part two Tony looks at the changing face of the Dáil, in particular in relations to women and also does some age-profiling.

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