The Spirituality of Ageing
Posted on 08. Aug, 2013, in SpiritualityComments Off on The Spirituality of Ageing
A lovely interview with Maeve Conway-Piskorski from our archive in 2005. Maeve passed away earlier this year on January 1st 2013
– September 21st 2005 – Maeve Conway-Piskorski talks about her spirituality.
Spirituality is an essential piece of every person’s ageing process. Author and former RTE employee Maeve Conway-Piskorski talks to Miriam Gormally about how her spirituality has evolved as she has aged and how many of us don’t find time to reflect in this busy world that we live in. She explains that growing older has allowed her more time to consider her spirituality and how it has a much deeper meaning now than it had in her younger days. She remarks that you reach new dimensions as you get older and the spirituality of your whole life matures. Miriam asks if there was any particular turning point when she decided to find out more about the meaning of life.