Wisdom Rock

Posted on 19. Feb, 2015, in Eastern SpiritualityComments Off on Wisdom Rock


In 1997, Kosi, then Jill Warner, had a profound mystical experience of Jesus Christ and was ordained minister on June 6, 1999 by Radiant Light Ministries, a multi-faith church in San Francisco. The primary emphasis of this church was the non-dual teachings of Sri Baba Muktananda and Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

After her ordination, Kosi spent time studying with the Dalai Lama, Sogyal Rinpoche, and Gurumayi Chidvilasananda. In December of 2010, she received the name Kosi as a divine transmission of the eternal grace and living presence of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi.

Kosi has devoted her life to ending global suffering and travels the world sharing her direct experience of the freedom, peace and laughter that is forever present, alive, here and now in the core of your being. She explains more about her journey to Miriam Gormally.

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