Award for Fr Shay Cullen

Posted on 10. Nov, 2016, in Achievement, Christian Values, Community, Faith and Justice, Gospel Values, Humane Vitae, Young peopleComments Off on Award for Fr Shay Cullen


Fr Shay Cullen, a Dublin-born Columban Missionary in the Philippines, received the Hugh O’Flaherty International Humanitarian Award.

The ceremony took place on Saturday evening, November 5 at the Killarney Avenue Hotel.

Named in memory of Kerry Monsignor Hugh O’Flaherty, who spent much of his youth in Killarney, the award aims to raise awareness of his remarkable deeds during the Second World War, when he and his colleagues in the Rome Escape Line saved over 6,500 people in Nazi-occupied Rome.

The prize is conferred upon those who support the same humanitarian ideals and principles of the Monsignor.

Upon hearing the news, a delighted Fr Shay said: “On behalf of those children we have rescued and those human rights workers who continue to work for the unjustly imprisoned, and those risking their lives to help them escape, I gladly accept the award”.

Fr Shay won it for his work in the Philippines with his organisation PREDA. Here he talks with Miriam Gormally about his work and his continuing drive to advocate for human dignity and social justice.

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