Buy a Hoodie to Build a School

Posted on 07. Feb, 2019, in Achievement, Community, Humanitarian Aid, Schools, Young peopleComments Off on Buy a Hoodie to Build a School

Will Robbins is a Gonzaga student who has set up a business selling hoodies to raise money to build a secondary school in Zambia. Here he talks with Pat Coyle about how a chance encounter in Zambia, turned him into a social entrepreneur (with a little help from his friends).

He discusses his experience building houses with shovels and wheelbarrows in soaring temperatures, as part of a joint project between Gonzaga College and Habitat for Humanity. The students built homes in Kabwe, Zambia, a lead-mining town dubbed ‘the most toxic place in the world’. Will says the Jesuit ethos of forming students into ‘men for others’ began to make real sense to to him in Kabwe.

Will worked at two summer jobs in order to raise the initial capital to fund a hoodie-selling venture. He has now sold lots of hoodies through his website (also on Instagram) as well as selling to family, friends and fellow students. To date he has raised over €4,000, but he says he still hopes to reach his target of €56,000 – the cost of building a school in Zambia.

He tells Pat Coyle that after Easter he intends to diversify and start selling summer clothes, crops, t-shirts and caps in order to keep the cash flow going.

You can purchase a hoodie to help build a school in Zambia by visiting

The website also shows short videos made by Will and his fellow students, showing how necessary the funding is to build a school for orphans in Kabwe.

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