Celebrating Mistakes
Posted on 04. Apr, 2013, in Church Teachings, Faith and Justice, Spiritual2 Comments
In a second piece with Bro. Guy Consolmagno, astronomer with the Vatican, he discusses a talk he delivers on “Astronomical Ideas that were Almost Correct”. He explains how it is often those mistakes that later lead to the greatest breakthroughs. He tells Pat Coyle that in life and astronomy, we should honour those who make mistakes and even celebrate our own mistakes.
Who would have thought we could have got a laugh out of a presentation on astronomy!
Illustrating what “dark energy” is Bro Guy’s response was to risk having that “no no” silence on the airwaves to which Pat Coyle wittily replies echoing an add made famous by Guinness: “these three seconds of silence come to you on admission of ignorance, which is very rare!”
This is a fascinating interview which tells us that astronomy is not primarily about the cosmos but rather about people and the God who makes good our mistakes. He ends with a few interesting comments on our Holy Father in asking us to allow him the space to bring God and Jesus Christ into our lives.
I enjoyed this interview. It is not just about astronomy!
I loved this interview, both for the views on cosmology and the spirituality that runs through it. Allowing the making of mistakes seems to me to be about the quality of forgiveness, a theme of earlier interviews and an essential for living. I also appreciated the space Guy gave to our new Pope Francis. If I could do this for all those in my own sphere of life, would I not be allowing Christ to be born in a new way?