Loving Sister Earth
Posted on 20. Oct, 2016, in Christian Values, Community, Ecological, Ecology, Gospel Values, Retreats, SpiritualComments Off on Loving Sister Earth
Brian Grogan SJ talks about how time is running out for our planet and how we are called to fall in love with what St Francis called “Sister Earth”. He explains that as Christians, we are called on to defend and protect our common home. He is part of an organization called “Loving Sister Earth” which aims to reignite our appreciation of the beauty of our world by connecting people to Ireland’s holy sites.
People can get involved by identifying holy places near them that attract devotion or by finding ones that are less well known. They can then organise celebrations at these sites and are invited to focus on Pope Francis’ call for prayer for Creation and to live in harmony with nature. Miriam Gormally met with Brian Grogan SJ and asked him whether this would translate into everyday environmental action and wondered how we can really live in harmony with nature and other creatures when we consume and kill them. He began by explaining why holy sites were so significant and why they were a good place to start.