Celtic Spirituality

Posted on 09. Jul, 2020 in EcoCongregations, Ecological, Ecology, Nature, Retreats, Spiritual, Spirituality

  http://www.youtube.com/user/SalvaTerraVision Sr. Marian O’Sullivan, a Dominican sister in the Dominican Ecology Centre in Wicklow Town was host to John Philip Newell a Church Of Scotland Minister from Edinburgh with a particular interest in Celtic Spirituality. Philip was in Wicklow to give a talk to several priests and religious who are on a sabbatical residential […]

Laudato Tree

Posted on 11. Jun, 2020 in Achievement, Christian Values, Ecology, Faith and Justice

Laudato Tree is a project aimed at healing the planet and empowering its people. With the backing of Pope Francis and a gift of 1000 trees from Cardinal Tukson, the initiative will contribute towards The Great Green Wall  in the Sahel – a prime example of ecological conservation in action. Pope Francis endorsed the project on […]

Let Go and Let God

Posted on 28. May, 2020 in Christian Values, Church Teachings, Community, Ecology, Faith and Justice

Irish Jesuit Brendan McManus’ latest book The Way to Manresa, has just been published by Loyola Press, Chicago.  In this second part of his story, he compares some of the spiritual understandings of his Ignatian Camino with the Twelve Steps Program, recognising how he needed to “Let Go and Let God”. The book is the […]

Faith and the Climate Crisis

Posted on 21. May, 2020 in Christian Values, Community, Ecology, Faith and Justice, Gospel Values

Dr Lorna Gold is a Scottish-Irish academic, climate campaigner and author. She also works for Trócaire and has been heavily involved in their climate campaign. Inspired by Laudato Si’ she will be hosting, “A Love Letter to the Earth” on May 24th, celebrating the fifth anniversary its publication. Here she talks with Miriam Gormally about faith and […]

Love Letter to the Earth

Posted on 21. May, 2020 in Climate Change, Community, Ecology, Environment, Faith Groups, Nature

May marks the fifth anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’, Care for our Common Home which revolutionised much of our theological thinking around the environment and our relation to the earth. Together with Veritas, Trócaire, the Mary Alyward Centre and Eco Congregations, they are organising an online evening of music, poetry and theology celebrating […]

The Way to Manresa

Posted on 14. May, 2020 in Book Reviews, Christian Values, Community, Ecology, Health, Nature, Pilgrimage

Irish Jesuit Brendan McManus’ latest book The Way to Manresa, has just been published by Loyola Press, Chicago. A story that Brendan describes as “a spirituality of failure”. The book is the story of Brendan’s experiences along the Ignatian Camino in Spain, which runs for 600km from Loyola to Manresa, following the journey that St […]

Covid-19 and Climate Change

Posted on 14. May, 2020 in Christian Values, Climate Change, Community, Ecology, Environment

Dr Lorna Gold is a Scottish-Irish academic, climate campaigner and author. She also works for Trócaire and has been heavily involved in their climate campaign. Inspired by Laudato Si’ she will be hosting, “A Love Letter to the Earth” on May 24th, celebrating the fifth anniversary its publication. Here she talks with Miriam Gormally about the Covid-19 […]

Faith and Hope

Posted on 19. Mar, 2020 in Ecology, Economy, Environment, Faith and Justice, Natural Disasters

Our daily diet of news headlines these days seems to be concentrated on world disasters making us ask the question, ‘Where is God in all of this?’ In this piece from the archives, we look at the importance of hope – especially important these days. So how do we keep going, and continue to find hope?  Eileen […]

Carbon Free Lent Part 2

Posted on 05. Mar, 2020 in Christian Values, Community, Ecology, Lent

Lent is a time to draw connections between our spirituality and the ecology around us, so says, Brendan McManus SJ, who has been exploring meaningful ways in which to make a difference this Lent. After some searching, he came across the idea of a carbon fast for Lent. However he says that the most important […]

Beloved Amazonia

Posted on 27. Feb, 2020 in Christian Values, Church Teachings, Community, Ecology, Environment, Gospel Values

In a surprising move from Pope Francis, his long-awaited document Apostolic Exhortation in response to the deliberations of the Pan-Amazonian synod, does not not address the question of the ordination of mature married men to the priesthood. Instead, in the text known as Querida Amazonia – Beloved Amazonia, he pitches hard for environmental and social […]