Ruling on work ban

Posted on 08. Jun, 2017, in Christian Values, Faith and Justice, Immigrants, RefugeesComments Off on Ruling on work ban

A Burmese man who spent eight years in direct provision before getting refugee status has won his Supreme Court appeal over laws preventing him working here while still an asylum seeker.

The seven judge court unanimously agreed the absolute ban was “in principle” unconstitutional but postponed making any formal orders for six months to allow the legislature time to consider how to address the situation.

A right to work, at least in the sense of a freedom to work or seek employment, is a “part of the human personality”, Mr Justice O’Donnell said.  As such those aspects of the right which are part of human personality “cannot be withheld absolutely from non-citizens”.

This ruling will have profound implication for asylum seekers. Miriam Gormally met with David Moriarity from Jesuit Refuge Services to find out more.

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