A Sacrament Shared

Posted on 27. Mar, 2014, in Baptism, Christian Values, Church of Ireland, Gospel Values, Pope John 23rdComments Off on A Sacrament Shared


If anyone is worried about how clergy of the Christian churches are getting on with their common witness they may be inspired by the celebration of the sacrament of baptism that took place in Christ Church, Dun Laoghaire earlier in March.  In a unique and very moving ceremony Monsignor Dan O’Connor, Parish Priest of Dun Laoghaire and Glasthule joined the Reverend Ása Bjőrk Ólafsdőttir in witnessing the baptism of a child of a mixed marriage into the Christian faith in the Anglican tradition.  The importance and the symbolism of the event were not lost on the Roman Catholics and Anglicans who were there given the history of mutual exclusion which has marked Irish Christianity.  In a simple ceremony following the Anglican Morning Prayer Monsignor Dan blessed the water with which Reverend Ása baptised the infant boy.  Next the Cork-born Monsignor Dan and the Icelandic Reverend Ása laid hands on the child welcoming him with prayer into the Christian Church.  Afterwards Monsignor Dan reflected on the baptism and how it is the one sacrament that Catholics and Protestants share.  He spoke to Paul Loughlin.Ecumenical Baptism in Dún Laoghaire


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