Adding a Christian Voice

Posted on 21. Nov, 2019, in Community, Environment, Faith GroupsComments Off on Adding a Christian Voice

Ciara Murphy and Keith Adams speak to Pat Coyle about the importance of their roles at the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice. They see great value in having an independent Christian voice talking about issues ranging from housing to the environment.

Ciara is environmental policy advocate at the Jesuit centre. Her role includes working with other coalitions to lobby the government for good environmental policy. She has a PhD in her related field but felt that her true strength and passion lay in changing perspectives on the environment among the general public through her advocacy work.

Keith, who is social policy advocate, oversees penal reform and housing policy at the centre. He produces original research and his advocacy role includes making formal submissions regarding government policy as well as writing articles for various publications. He feels very much drawn to JCFJ’s focus on faith and justice and enjoys the collaborative nature of the job – working with Ciara on the environment and Kevin Hargaden on economic justice.

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