Addressing Abortion

Posted on 20. Jun, 2013, in Celibacy/Sexuality, Church Teachings, Humane Vitae1 Comment

Fine Gael TD Peter Mathews put three motions before a meeting of the Fine Gael parliamentary party calling for the proposed abortion legislation to be scrapped, the suicide clause to be removed and for members to have a free vote. However he did not get support for any of these motions and voting for the legislation will continue as planned. Miriam Gormally met Sr. Pat O’Donovan, Assistant Director of CORI with a responsibility for health care, who says she admires Peter Mathews and that it was unfortunate he wasn’t backed up in the Dáil. But first Miriam asked Pat for her opinion on the legislation.

One response to “Addressing Abortion”

  1. Richard McCullen says:

    I found it sad in the extreme that not a single voice could be raised in support of Mr Peter Matthews motion that allowance be given for a free conscience vote. Surely there must be occasions when the whip can b withdrawn especially when it is a matter of life an death. Inevitably and reluctantly
    I will have to drift away from my life-long support of Fine Gael Party.
    Regretfully Yours in the Lord
    Richard McCullen