Ageing with Alzheimers

Posted on 30. Jul, 2020, in Christian Values, Chronic illness, Community, Health, Mental Health1 Comment

Des O’Grady SJ currently works as a chaplain in Dundrum central mental hospital. He himself was recently diagnosed with Alzheimers and in this first of at three part series from the archive, he talks candidly about his experience and the learning he has received from it.

He says that the disease has given him more time and patience for people as well as a sense of priorities regarding how relationships are what really matter.  He talks to Pat Coyle about making sense of the world and living within your limitation, something he says he discovered even as a young child

His story is also being submitted to be part of the Elder Project following the success of the letter exchange between Pope Francis and children from around the world resulting in the New York Times bestseller Dear Pope Francis. The Elder Project will give older people a similar opportunity to share their wisdom and concerns with upcoming generations.

One response to “Ageing with Alzheimers”

  1. Suzanne Ryder says:

    I find this a fascinating interview. My mother has dementia and I recognise many of the symptoms Des describes here. I love Pat’s patience and her ability to remind Des of things he had mentioned to her earlier. I also love her openness with regard to her own father. Mostly, I love Des in his clarity and his ability to own his experience, sharing about the traits of his own personality. I now intend to play this interview for my mother and imagine that she will get solace from a better understanding of how she is. It may allow for more conversation about her circumstances. I cannot thank you enough for this interview and look forward to the next two parts of the conversation.