Artists for Compassion

Posted on 09. Feb, 2017, in Christian Values, Community, Ecology, Environment, Faith and Justice, NatureComments Off on Artists for Compassion

The work of Irish artist Eve Parnell will be on display at Humboldt University in Berlin Jan 31st to Feb 26th.

The title of the exhibition ‘ Vernehmt und lasst mich traum so wahrheit singen – Let me sing dreams as words of truth’ is taken from a poem written in 1923 by Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg, one of the leading members of the 20 July 1944 assassination plot on Adolf Hitler.

Delicately drawn on tissue paper with pencil to create a tension between the eternal and the transient, her works look at the underlying theme of compassion. She believes that one person can and should make a difference by highlighting injustices and promoting dignity and care instead. She also has a strong devotion to St Francis of Assisi whose deep compassion overflowed into love of all creatures and believes that his care is an inspiration to us all. She began by explaining to Miriam Gormally about the role of the artist.

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