Called to be Dysfunctional!
Posted on 05. Jul, 2018, in Church Teachings, Community, Different abilities, VocationComments Off on Called to be Dysfunctional!
Beginnings: Interrogating Hauerwas is a conversation between Stanley Hauerwas and Brian Brook. Hauerwas has been described as one of the most influential Christian thinkers in the English speaking world, having being named, “America’s Best Theologian” by Time magazine in 2001. Brook is an author from Aberdeen who looks in particular at Christianity and disability.
Brian Brock delves into Hauerwas’ formation as a theologian at Yale, his first book, Character and the Christian Life, and examines some of his early, and outspoken, criticisms of Christian ethics. He also managed to direct questions to Hauerwas on some points from his teachings that were controversial or which he hadn’t always elaborated on. Pat Coyle spoke with Brian Brock and Stanley Hauerwas about the book “Beginnings” to find out about the process of writing the book.
She began by speaking with Hauerwas who rather controversially that he doesn’t look at have a personal experience of Jesus, but rather experiences Jesus in community. He also says that such a connection makes him dysfunctional and hopes to call other to be dysfunctional too!