Prisoners Sunday

Posted on 14. Nov, 2007 in Crime, Discrimination, Faith and Justice, Prison, Prisoner Sunday

Prisons and prisoners are words constantly in the headlines these days.  Do we care about prisoners or their conditions?  Should we care about them? This coming Sunday, November 18th is designated Prisoner’s Sunday when we are encouraged to think about those in prison, their families and those who look after them. Eileen Good spoke to […]

The Churchfield Project Book

Posted on 11. Jul, 2007 in Community, Crime, Young people

“It’s giving me a place to be.  If I was at home I’d either be in bed all day or hanging around and getting into trouble…” Just one of the comments from a young man helped by the Churchfield Community Trust in Cork, which provides a supportive environment to young men in the area at […]

Trafficking in Ireland

Posted on 04. Apr, 2007 in Crime

Human trafficking is a global phenomenon and affects virtually every country in the world. In a global context it is estimated that anywhere between 700,000 and 4,000,000 women and children are moved across international borders each year with huge profit being made.  Ireland is not immune to the phenomenon and of late has been seeing […]

ICPO-Family Member in Prison

Posted on 14. Dec, 2005 in Christmas, Crime, Family

Christmas is a time when family get together.  However for some families, not everybody is able to come together.  Sadly some families have members serving prison sentences overseas.  Miriam Gormally met with Kay, whose son is in prison abroad.  Miriam also talked with Grainne Prior from the ICPO, the Irish Commission for Prisoners overseas about […]

Response to Ferns

Posted on 02. Nov, 2005 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Community, Crime, Young people

Fr. Jim Caffrey, director of the CFC, talks to Pat Coyle about the recent Ferns report and how this will affect his work in Catholic Youth services. Pat asks what can now be done to protect young people in the future. Fr. Jim explains the code of practice they have adopted to run CYC and […]


Posted on 02. Nov, 2005 in Crime, Death, Faith and Justice, Humanitarian Aid

Breda Hegerty presents a short news bulletin from around the world with the latest updates on current topics including the UN appeal for more donations to help the Pakistan earthquake, news from the Vatican including cooperation between Vatican & Russian foreign policy and the exploitation of migrants,naming of a media find in honour of the […]

Preventing Torture

Posted on 22. Jun, 2005 in Church Teachings, Crime, Faith and Justice, Places of Conflict

SPIRASI is a humanitarian, intercultural, non-governmental organisation that works with asylum seekers, refugees and other disadvantaged migrant groups, with special concern for survivors of torture. Michael Begley talks to Miriam Gormally about the range of services they offer to those in need and their involvement in the United Nations day in support of victims of […]

Quench Not The Spirit

Posted on 08. Jun, 2005 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Crime

“Quench Not The Spirit” is the title of a new book of essays honouring the world-renowned theologian, Father Sean Fagan. Last year, following a six-year long investigation by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Irish Episcopal Conference reprimanded Father Fagan for publishing a book entitled “Does Morality Change?”. In an interview with […]