Volunteer for Samaritans

Posted on 04. Mar, 2009 in Depression, Mental Health, Suicide

“Listening to someone who is perhaps depressed, worried, frightened and/or suicidal and who doesn’t know where to turn to, is perhaps the most valuable thing we can do for a fellow human being” Samaritan Volunteer, Elaine, believes it is the most rewarding thing she has ever done.  The Samaritans are always looking for volunteers as […]

Simon’s Suicide

Posted on 07. Jan, 2009 in Depression, Mental Health, Suicide, Young people

Despite all the publicity about what to look out for when you think someone is suicidal, despite all the awareness programmes, sadly sometimes it’s not enough and someone does take their own life.  The effect on the family is devastating – as Peter Moroney told Eileen Good as last September’s Annual Conference of the Irish […]

Suicide Support

Posted on 24. Dec, 2008 in Depression, Mental Health, Suicide

In September of this year Eileen Good attended the 12th. Annual Conference of the Irish Association of Suicidology, in Athlone, titled Youth Suicide in a Changing Society.  There she met Dr. John Connolly, who along with Dan Neville TD and the late Michael Kelleher, was one of the founders of the Association.  Eileen asked Dr. […]

Coping with Suicide

Posted on 26. Nov, 2008 in Depression, Mental Health, Suicide

Ireland has the fifth highest rate of youth suicide in Europe.  This appalling statistic is even more devastating when one takes into account the families, friends, colleagues and the community affected by each suicide. At the Irish Association of Suicidology’s annual conference in September, Eileen Good spoke to Dr. Siobhan Barry Clinical Director of the […]

A Suicide Story

Posted on 12. Nov, 2008 in Depression, Mental Health, Suicide, Young people

In September of this year the Irish Association of Suicidology held its 12th Annual Conference in Athlone entitled Youth Suicide in a Changing Society.  Sadly, statistics today confirm the need for such gatherings.  Ian Howley is a project worker with www.SpunOut.ie and he believes the internet is the most powerful tool we have in modern […]

Suicide Prevention Day

Posted on 03. Sep, 2008 in Depression, Mental Health, Suicide

September 10th is World Suicide prevention day. It is an important day to remember and promote in Ireland, a country where more people die from suicide than from road traffic accidents. Miriam Gormally spoke with Dr. John Connelly, psychiatrist and campaigner for greater public awareness and funding for suicide prevention. He explained to Miriam over […]

Suicide Liturgy

Posted on 09. Jul, 2008 in Depression, Family, Mental Health, Suicide

Suicide numbers, sadly, continue to rise in Ireland.  As this happens, family and friends struggle to find ways to cope with the tragedy and also how to have a meaningful liturgy.  Mary Connell is Pastoral Co-Ordinator in Castlebar where the Parish Team is devising a new Liturgy to help those bereaved by suicide.  She told […]

Samaritans 24/7

Posted on 09. Jul, 2008 in Charity, Depression, Fundraising, Mental Health, Suicide

‘I don’t know where to turn’   ‘Nobody cares’   ‘I’m all alone in the world’   ‘I just want to hear a human voice’  – these are just some of the comments that Samaritan volunteers hear regularly on their 24/7 helpline.  On the 24th. of this month (24/7) the Samaritans are having their Nationwide Awareness and Fundraising […]

Teenage Suicide

Posted on 11. Jun, 2008 in Depression, Education, Mental Health, Suicide

2008 marks the seventh year of the Young Social Innovators or YSI projects. YSI is aimed at 15-18 year olds in Ireland who feel that they want to do something to change their world or the way society looks at an issue. This year’s winner of the category for “Making our World Healthier” was St. […]

Suicide in Ireland

Posted on 02. Apr, 2008 in Depression, Mental Health, Suicide, Young people

Suicide is something that all families and parents dread. It brings on feeling of loss as well as guilt. Unfortunately suicide rates in Ireland continue to remain high, especially amongst young adults. Miriam Gormally met Suzanne Costello from the Samaritans to find out why?