Famine Commemoration

Posted on 10. Jun, 2009 in Charity, Economy, Poverty

May 17th this year was National Famine Commemoration Day when Bishop and Priests asked people to remember the past and pray for victims of famine everywhere.  Eileen Good met Bishop John Kirby, Bishop of Clonfert and Chairman of Trocaire and asked him about the scale of famine today.

Homelessness in Galway

Posted on 13. May, 2009 in Homelessness, Poverty

As more people are hit by the recession, homelessness is something that people are increasingly sensitive to. Miriam Gormally met Martin O’Connor, the Assistant Director of COPE Galway to find out if the face of homelessness is changing. He began by explaining that homelessness doesn’t always come down to economic factors.

Where’s Hope?

Posted on 04. Feb, 2009 in Economy, Faith and Justice, Poverty

Where do we find hope these days? Over the last twenty years, we have concentrated most of our hopes on material wealth and job security, enjoying the benefits of the Celtic Tiger.  Now that we are faced with major cut backs and job losses, material wealth seems much harder to achieve. So what’s left to […]

Chic and Cheerful

Posted on 07. Jan, 2009 in Charity, Economy, Poverty

With daily headlines about the economic crisis, all of us have to think differently about our spending.  All over the country there are well- stocked charity shops, giving support to local and national charities and well worth checking out.  One such shop in Carlow town is ‘Chic and Cheerful’ supporting Vincentian projects in Ethopia. Eileen […]

Oxfam Unwrapped

Posted on 10. Dec, 2008 in Charity, Christmas, Poverty, Seasons of the Church Year

Every year Irish people spend more on presents than any other European nation. And despite talk of recession, we are set to be top spenders again this year. Yet many of those gifts will be things that aren’t needed or possibly even wanted. That is why two organisations Trocaire and Oxfam ask people to give […]

Global Gifts Trocaire

Posted on 10. Dec, 2008 in Charity, Christmas, Poverty, Seasons of the Church Year

Every year Irish people spend more on presents than any other European nation. And despite talk of recession, we are set to be top spenders again this year. Yet many of those gifts will be things that aren’t needed or possibly even wanted. That is why two organisations Trocaire and Oxfam ask people to give […]

Vincent de Paul

Posted on 10. Dec, 2008 in Charity, Economy, Poverty

This year the calls made to the Vincent de Paul were up 40% compared to last year. People, who had previously been givers to the society, were now suddenly faced with a situation where they themselves needed help. Vincent de Paul Offices even had to put more staff on the phones to meet the increased […]

No Budget for Refugees

Posted on 29. Oct, 2008 in Economy, Politics, Poverty

This year in the budget, refugees in Ireland received no increase in their allowance of €19.10. Every budget the Irish Refugee Council argues that €19.10 is an impossible amount for anyone in Ireland to live on and this year several workers, refugees and friends ran the Dublin marathon to highlight this injustice. Miriam Gormally met […]

Harvest Festival

Posted on 15. Oct, 2008 in Economy, Faith and Justice, Poverty

October is the time of Harvest Festival. But how do we give thanks for food in a year that has been marked by a rise in food shortages? This is a question which Miriam Gormally put to Darren McCallig, Church of Ireland Chaplain in Trinity. She first asked him to explain the origins and meaning […]

Uganda Project

Posted on 01. Oct, 2008 in Achievement, Health, Poverty

Sr. Maura Lynch is a Medical Missionary of Mary and Senior Surgeon at Kitovu Hospital in Masaka in Uganda.  She spent the first twenty years of her missionary life in Southern Angola where most of the time the country was at war, and for the past twenty years she has been in Uganda.  Last year […]