Celebrating Holy Wells

Posted on 25. May, 2017, in Christian Values, Climate Change, Community, Ecology, NatureComments Off on Celebrating Holy Wells


National Holy Well Day will take place on June 18th in celebration of the sacred nature of water. On that day, people will gather at a well near them and spend some time in prayer and reflection to reignite an ancient and deep connection with water.

Early Celtic Christian had a harmonious relationship with the natural world and Loving Sister Earth is an organisation that tries to reconnect us to that intuitive understanding. Drawing on Pope Francis’, encyclical, Laudato Si, they ask us to listen to the call of the earth and act compassionately to care for our common home.

The Columba Community of Prayer and Reconciliation will also be involved and they will be holding a novena starting on their Patron’s saints day, June 9th and continuing until the National Holy Well day on the 18th. Miriam Gormally met with Elaine O’Leary and Helen Grealy to find our more about the day. She began by asking Helen about the historical devotion Irish people have had to their wells.

For more information or to get involved, go to www.lovingsiterearth.com

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