Disappointed by Synod

Posted on 29. Oct, 2015, in Celibacy/Sexuality, Christian Values, Family, Sexuality, Young peopleComments Off on Disappointed by Synod

brendan butler

We are Church Ireland declared themselves very disappointed with the final report by Catholic Bishops meeting in Rome over the past three weeks on the issue of the family in contemporary society. The report ‘s 94 paragraphs indicate that the majority of the voting Bishops do not favour change either in the teaching or discipline of the Church especially in relation to gay and lesbian people and communion for the divorced and remarried. The position of the role of women in significant roles in the Church did not appear in this final document.

Pope Francis’ final comments expressed his disappointment when he stated that

‘the Synod had laid bare the closed hearts which frequently hide even behind the Church’s teaching or good intentions in order to sit on the chair of Moses  and judge with superiority  and superficiality difficult cases and wounded families’.

 “We are Church Ireland hopes that Pope Francis will indeed exercise this authoritative role in favour of those who remain marginalised at the peripheries of the Catholic Church, gay and Lesbian people, the divorced and remarried and the position and the recognition of the dignity of women,” stated Brendan Butler, spokesperson for We are Church. Miriam Gormally asked Brendan to explain more.

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