Fridays for the Future

Posted on 07. Mar, 2019, in Church Teachings, Community, Ecology, EnvironmentComments Off on Fridays for the Future

Protests outside the Dáil as part of the Fridays for the Future.

Thousands of Irish children across the country will skip school and go on strike on March 15th calling on the government to take action on climate change.

The  strikes are part of a huge youth movement sweeping the globe which started last August when 16-year-old Greta Thunberg staged a lone climate action protest at the Swedish Parliament during school hours.

Since then a campaign calling for school walkouts every Friday, led mostly by pre-teens, has spread like wildfire on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram under banners such as ‘Fridays For the Future’, ‘Youth Strike 4 Climate’ and ‘School Strike for Climate’.

In this second interview with Jane Mellet, Laudato Si’, climate pilgrim, Miriam Gormally asks her about her involvement in getting the stakes going in Ireland and why she has been outside the Dáil every Friday for the last thirteen Fridays.

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