This Christmas

Posted on 19. Dec, 2013, in Charity, Christian Values, Church Teachings, Community, Faith and Justice, Feminism/Women in the Church, Fundraising, Gospel Values, Humanitarian AidComments Off on This Christmas

All Hallows Theology & Psychology Student Orla Cashell has embarked with some fellow students from the National College of Ireland on a dedicated campaign to help the homeless this Christmas in a very specific way.

Her idea is simple. Orla is asking that we would donate 1 thing to help the homeless this Christmas so that they are helped and are not forgotten.

Here’s her promotional video: Give 1 Thing This Christmas To The Homeless

On 12 November, there were 139 people sleeping rough in Dublin city. That is an increase of nearly 50%, since the previous street count in April this year. The rise in the rough sleeper count reflects the trend of a spike in the demand for our services. We have supported a total of 9,237 people so far this year who were homeless or at risk of losing their homes.

The campaign will be run from a central location at St Kevin’s Oratory, Pro Cathedral, Marlborough Street, Dublin 1. Wrapping and donations will take place from 7pm-8pm on Friday the 20th of December, and they will be distributing the gifts that night.

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