Ignatian Mysticism
Posted on 26. Oct, 2017, in Christian ValuesComments Off on Ignatian Mysticism
October 23rd was the birthday of St Igantius Loyola. Brian O’Leary, an Irish Jesuit who has lectured and thought Ignatian spirituality takes a look at a different side to this popular saint, describing him as a mystic. Mysticism is not a word that is commonly associated with St Ignatius of Loyola, a saint more generally linked to action and education. However Brian argues that while some prefer to use the word contemplative, as it’s more down to earth, the core of Ignatian spirituality was about interiority and introspection, discovering the spirit within and using that as a force to action. He explains more to Pat Coyle who points to a quote from Karl Rahner in Brian’s essay that said that the devout Christian of the future will be a mystic or not at all.