In Gratitude
Posted on 14. May, 2015, in Christian Values, Community, Nature, VocationComments Off on In Gratitude
In Gratitude: The Story of a Gift-Filled Life, published by Orpen Press, is the story of Catherine McCann, who grew up in Simmonscourt Castle in Dublin 4, before joining the Religious Sisters of Charity. Last week we looked at one of her great lifetime achievements, The Shekinah Sculpture Garden. This week we explore her life as a nun and then her dramatic “Call within a Call” while on a Jesuit retreat. Having spent 25 years as a nun, she suddenly felt called to leave the order and pursue her spirituality as a layperson.
She talks with Pat Coyle about how when she was very young she had a profound spiritual experience of God’s love that informed her whole life.
To find our more or to get a copy of her book go to: