Irish input into Laudato Si
Posted on 16. Jul, 2015, in Christian Values, Church Teachings, Ecology, Gospel Values2 Comments
The publication of the Papal Encyclical, Laudato Si, is a very significant event for the Catholic Church, and indeed for the world. Pope Francis, in this encyclical, has further established himself as probably the most significant moral voice in the world today.
However, not everyone will be aware of the fact that an Irish Columbian priest, Fr. Sean McDonagh, was one of the chief advisors to the Vatican in the composition of the encyclical.
Miriam Gormally met Fr. Sean McDonagh, who has been working in the area of environment and theology for over forty years, to talk about his input in Laudato Si and how it may be the encyclical to revolutionise our moral concerns.
A wonderful interview about a wonderful encyclical. So necessary and urgent. Let us pay attention. Let us change our lifestyle. thanks to you both for presenting this so well.
Thanks for keeping at it. All the best with your work for the future.