Josiane -The girl from the Trócaire Box

Posted on 23. Mar, 2017, in Charity, Christian Values, Church Teachings, Faith and Justice, Young peopleComments Off on Josiane -The girl from the Trócaire Box

Josiane Umumarashavu, accompanied by Sr. Ancille recently visited Ireland from Rwanda. Josiane was the face of the Trócaire Lent campaign box in 2004 and Sr. Ancille has worked tireless on women’s rights since the genocide. The inclusion of women was considered one of the primary means to rebuild the country after genocide – Rowanda now impressively has the highest proportion of women in any parliament in the world.

Josiane and Sr. Ancille were visiting Ireland for the first time to thank supporters for their generosity and to launch the Lent 2017 campaign. Josiane’s father, sister and two of her brothers were killed during the genocide in Rwanda. Josiane’s mother and two other brothers survived but in 2004 they were struggling to make ends meet, living off a small piece of land and constantly facing the threat of hunger. Miriam Gormally spoke with Josiane and Sr. Ancille about their trip to Ireland, the work of Trócaire and what it means to people in Rowanda.

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