Justice for Ballymurphy Massacre

Posted on 27. Dec, 2018, in Community, Conflict, Death, Faith and Justice, Grief1 Comment

Fr Paddy McCafferty is the PP in Springhill Parish in West Belfast a parish that was shook in 1972 by the shooting and killing of civilians. One year before another massacre had taken place in Ballymurphy where more civilians were shot. The families of all the victims have been looking for justice for years.
Now after what the families call “decades of deceit,” they are getting an inquest into the Ballymurphy Massacre. 2019 could be the year that they finally receive answers.
Fr Paddy is deeply involved with his parishioners and is actively supporting them in the quest for truth and justice. Here he speaks with Conor Deane about the events that decimated the community in 1971 and saw the murder of two priests at the hands of the British forces as they administered the Last Rites to the other victims of this atrocity.

One response to “Justice for Ballymurphy Massacre”

  1. Suzanne Ryder says:

    I feel nauseous as I listen to this interview. To think that such atrocities were done by soldiers, clearly without being provoked and then to mock the children of that lady they had murdered, beggars belief. As humans we can sink to depths that now must be remembered in justice.