Kerrie O’Connor on Music Therapy

Posted on 20. Feb, 2020, in Music TherapyComments Off on Kerrie O’Connor on Music Therapy

In this piece from the archives, Conor Deane talks with Kerrie O’Connor who is a Music Therapist and her motivation behind her chosen vocation.

Music therapy is an evidenced based profession which uses music in a planned way to help children and adults to improve, restore and maintain health. Individual needs are addressed through music and the relationship that develops between therapist and client. Music therapy is used with all ages and a variety of conditions, focusing on self-development, education, rehabilitation, relaxation, pain-management, self-expression. Music therapists often seek to develop alternative means of interaction, thereby providing new and different means of expression and communication. This ability, for a person to make contact and be understood, can have a profound value in satisfying emotional needs, enhancing quality of life and in building relationships.
Here Kerrie talks with Conor Deane about her work and how she was moved by her faith to change from being a computer programmer towards being a Music Therapist working with people with an acquired brain injury or a dementia type illness, such as alzheimer’s disease.

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