LBGT Christmas Carol Service

Posted on 10. Dec, 2015, in Christian Values, Christmas, Faith and Justice, Gospel Values, Mass, SexualityComments Off on LBGT Christmas Carol Service

Brian Glennon

The 17th Annual LGBT Christmas Carol service will take place on Saturday the 12th of December. The guest speaker will be Colm O’Gorman, executive director of Amnesty International and money collected with go to the Peter McVerry Trust. Music will be sung by the Dublin Gay Men’s Chorus. Brian Glennon is organising it this year. He was also involved in initiating the All are Welcome Mass for LGBT people, friends, family and relations in Avila, the Carmelite centre in Donnybrook. Miriam Gormally pointed out that it had been a very positive year in general for LGBT people in Ireland; that they have a lot to celebrate. But first she asked him if there was anything particular about a LBGT Carol Service that made it stand out from others.

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