Learning: A Lifetime’s Work

Posted on 19. Feb, 2015, in Education, FestivalsComments Off on Learning: A Lifetime’s Work


Thursday 19th, learners from Castlerea Adult Education & VTOS Centre in Co. Roscommon, helped launch the national programme of events for the 9th AONTAS Adult Learners’ Festival. This year’s Festival takes place nationwide from 23rd – 28th February, with over two hundred free events listed on www.adultlearnersfestival.com.

The launch event saw local artist, Steve McCahill, work with first & second year learners to create a piece of multimedia artwork that is dynamic, vibrant and which captures the festival theme of ‘Learning: A Lifetime’s Work”. events already listed on www.adultlearnersfestival.com.

AONTAS Director, Berni Brady said, “In 2014, nearly 20,000 learners throughout Ireland received a major award at levels 4 & 5. Adult Education Centres like Castlerea do fantastic work on a daily basis. In a time of limited resources it is essential that organisations collaborate in order to promote the work that they do. The Festival, with its nationwide reach, is the perfect opportunity to do so.”

She explains more to Miriam Gormally.

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