New Rector from Iceland

Posted on 24. Jan, 2013, in Church of Ireland4 Comments

Ása (pronounced Awsa) Ólafsdőttir from Iceland was recently appointed to the post of Vicar of Christ Church Dun Laoghaire (CCDL) and Diocesan Ministry Development Officer. As well as coming from an unusual background, she is also the first women cleric in the Dun Laoghaire parish. Both she and the diocese are excited about the move. Miriam Gormally spoke with Ása to find out how she ended up coming from Iceland to Ireland.


In a second part next week, Miriam Gormally will discuss the role of clerical women with Ása and her views on the current disputes within the Catholic Church regarding the matter.

4 responses to “New Rector from Iceland”

  1. loughlp says:

    What a lovely-sounding woman. Ása is about to be my parish priest and like all of the Dun Laoghaire parishioners I have spoken to I look forward to getting to know her. We met her at the Carol Service in December. We were all very glad that she took the trouble to come down to Christ Church for that. Her service of introduction on 31st January should be quite an occasion! Miriam’s interview allowed Ása to express herself in a very personal way. I should mention that the parishioners are very much looking forward to welcoming a family again to the Rectory on Park Road. We shall also support her in her forthcoming duties as Diocesan Development Officer. Paul Loughlin

  2. michael McCullagh says:

    I too enjoyed the warmth of the interview Miriam conducted with Ása. I certainly like the take on Providence and that phrase you often hear in the country expressed in another way: “If something is for you, it wont pass you by.”

    Yes, Ása is right. It does not matter who applied or who would be better for the task. There is a Providence which has us where we find ourselves just now.

    Delighted Paul has a new parish priest in Dun Laoghaire and that the rectory is once again occupied by a family.

    I also enjoyed the little vignette about her daughter being educated by the Mercy congregation.

    Go raibh maith agat.

  3. Suzanne Ryder says:

    What a lovely interview. It is so lovely to hear a woman speak of her ministry. Ása spreads warmth. As a Mercy Sister, it was touching to hear about her daughter’s education with Mercy Sisters, but even more of the friendship Ása enjoys with one of my Conggregation.

    Many thanks,


  4. Venetia Hill says:

    We are delighted to welcome Asa to our parish at Christ Church Dun Laoghaire. Her warmth and humanity shine out and we look forward to getting to know both her and her family and welcoming them to our wider parish family. Her interview with Miriam showed very clearly the rural/urban divide. I hope that Asa settles into our community without any of the perceived loneliness that city living can bring.

    Venetia Hill & Michael Ryan.