Pressure at Christmas

Posted on 05. Dec, 2019, in Achievement, Christian Values, Christmas, Church Teachings, Community, Economy, Faith and JusticeComments Off on Pressure at Christmas


Christmas is a time for celebration, but for many living on low or fixed incomes, it can be a time of stress and worry. In this piece from our archives, Michelle Murphy from Social Justice Ireland said she sometimes gets calls from people in summer wondering how they will manage over Christmas. She says that it’s also a time when people are tempted to take money from money lenders; she warns that while this might seem like a solution to having the Christmas you want, it causes much more trouble further on down the line. She also explains to Miriam Gormally that we tend to put all the blame on the individual for the excess spending, but points out that the enormous pressures from marketing companies and advertisements make it very hard for people to get in touch with the simpler message of Christmas.

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