Remembering Persecuted Christians

Posted on 30. Apr, 2015, in Charity, Christian Values, Gospel Values, Humanitarian AidComments Off on Remembering Persecuted Christians


The International Society for Human Rights has found that 80% of religious discrimination in the world today is directed at Christians. It is intensifying in the Middle East and North Aftica where Only in the last week, there was the brutal murder of at least 30 Ethiopian Christians in Libya. However there hasn’t been much public protest.

Alan Hynes hopes to change this and has been involved in organizing a Mass to commemorate Christians who have died in persecution in the Middle East and North Africa. It will be held in the newly refurbished Basilica in Knock on Saturday, May 2nd at three o’clock. Prayers will be offered for all those still suffering religious persecution. The Mass will be celebrated by the Archbishop of Tuam, Dr Michael Neary.

Miriam Gormally rang Alan Hynes to find out more.

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