Responding to the Environment

Posted on 05. May, 2016, in Christian Values, Church Teachings, Community, EcologyComments Off on Responding to the Environment


Last year Catherine Devitt took up the new position of Environmental Justice Officer, a post created by the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice (JCFJ).

In recent decades care of the environment has emerged as an important discussion on social justice issues so this new role within the JCFJ is significant. Pope Francis’ recent encyclical, Laudato si’, has generated increasing international focus and debate on our relationship with the natural environment, and the implications for social justice issues.

Originally from Co. Wicklow but now living in Dublin, Catherine comes to the role from a social science (sociology and geography) background. She has worked in research and policy analysis in a range of social and environmental areas for over ten years. She has a Masters Degree in Environmental Policy, and completed a sabbatical programme with An Tairsearch (Dominican Farm and Ecology Centre) on ecology and spirituality. She says her passion for environmental issues extends beyond her work-life, and outside of work she takes part in voluntary environmental activities within the community. Miriam Gormally met with Catherine to find out more about this recent role; why it was established and her own contribution to it.

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